Sunday, February 15, 2009

Inter Tribal Wars Part Two


Comanche Empire took advantage of European technologies, goods, and hospitality to expand their Empire to be able to indirectly impose their authority upon rival tribes as a consequence of their power and lifestyle. They were able to do this by dominating the grasslands with their pastoral techniques. The acquisition of rifles, slaves, horses, and metal tools through trading and raiding helped them to become one of the most powerful tribes of the plains. “Firearms allowed Comanches to kill, maim, and shock, from the safety of distance and to inflict wounds that the traditional healing arts of their enemies were unaccustomed to treating. And like horses, firearms gave Comanches access to an unforeseen source of energy- gunpowder- further expanding the world of new possibilities.” Pg.26

This quote shows how they “went from the stone age to the iron age overnight.” The technology of guns allowed the Comanche to gain power that many tribes didn’t have and weren’t able to deal with. The use of guns gave Comanches a strong advantage over many tribes who weren’t able to access them.

“This emerging coalition, which Spaniards would come to label as Nortenos, was founded on shared foreign political interests. Taovayas, Tonkawas, and Hasinais- like Comanches- were alarmed by the Lipan-Spanish pact, which threatened to exclude them from Texas markets and leave them vulnerable against the Apaches.” –pg. 58

This quote shows how important the markets were to Comanches and they depended on them. It also shows how they were able to use alliances to their benefit by expanding their market. Comanches rarely kept these pacts but were able to use them for their advantage while they lasted.

"As many Euro-Americans saw it, negotiating with Comanches often meant yielding to their demands or risking a clash with a broad Comanche-led intertribal coalition." pg. 179 This quote shows that Europeans were willing to do almost anything and cater to the Comanches so that they will avoid problems.

"What the Comanches did not do was to reciprocate Spain's generosity. Their recompense was the absence of violence......The peace lasted only as long as gift distributions did... As the gift distributions dwindled, Comanches resumed attacks, raiding and extorting tribute across the colony from the San Saba River to the Rio Grande." pg.184 This quote demonstrates how the Europeans attempted to buy peace from the Comanches, but the Comanches only saw these gifts as a temporary remedy to end violence. The Europeans were weak under Comanche power, and Comanches were unwilling to reciprocate or change their ways. The Comanches constantly took advantage of the Europeans weakness and used it as a tool for their rise to power.

"Comanche violence was fueled by the gifts, goods, and guns that flowed into Comancheria from the United States. Spanish officials came to believe that it was American markets and American machinations that alienated Comanches from Spaniards and fermented the violence in Texas." p.188

This shows how the Comanches manipulated the system by continuing to trade for higher quality American products while also receiving gifts from the Spanish. This rift caused the Spanish and Americans not to get along and it eventually led to the Mexican-American War.

Group= Betsy Flood, Jackie Lauder, Tyler F., Telisha Lileton, Tanner Castel, and Samantha Brunner

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